Stress is taking its toll on officers

Rank and file police officers in Bedfordshire are severely affected by the stress of the job, with many suffering from poor psychological wellbeing.

This is the reality that came out following further analysis on results from a survey into police officer demand, capacity and welfare conducted by the Police Federation of England and Wales last year.

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MPs support assaults campaign

A campaign calling for harsher sentences for those who assault police officers and other emergency service workers has received cross-party support in Parliament.

The ‘Protect The Protectors’ campaign was launched on Monday (6 February) by the Police Federation of England and Wales after growing concern about the rising numbers of attacks on police officers.

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Protect The Protectors

Campaign calls for improved protection for officers

Growing concern about the rising numbers of attacks on police officers has prompted the launch of a national campaign aimed at giving them better protection.

The ‘Protect The Protectors’ campaign was launched yesterday (Monday 6 February) by the Police Federation of England and Wales and is being supported by Bedfordshire Police Federation.

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Officer assaulted every four minutes

Figures released yesterday reveal the horrific extent and frequency of assaults on police officers.

The statistics, based on the Police Federation of England and Wales’ welfare survey data, suggest there were more than two million (2,113,602) unarmed physical assaults on officers over a 12-month period, and a further 302,842 assaults using a deadly weapon during the same period.

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