Officer assaults: latest figures released

A total of 169 Bedfordshire Police officers were assaulted on duty during 2016/2017, according to police recorded crime statistics.

In the same period, 157 “assaults without injury on a constable” were reported in Bedfordshire in data submitted to the Home Office by the Force.

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Pay and morale survey: ‘uncomfortable reading’

A massive 86.5 per cent of police officers who responded to this year’s Police Federation Pay and Morale Survey said they did not feel fairly paid considering the stresses and strains of their job.

The results of the survey also revealed:

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Pay award delay ‘unacceptable’

The Government’s decision to delay making an announcement on officers’ pay award until September is unacceptable, according to the chairman of Bedfordshire Police Federation.

Jim Mallen spoke out when it was announced yesterday that officers will have to wait until Parliament returns after its seven-week summer recess to find out if they are to get a pay increase.

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Officer assaults: help make sure Bill is discussed by MPs

Officers are being urged to take part in a survey to ensure that proposed legislation providing better protection for police officers and other emergency service workers is discussed in Parliament.

The legislation aims to introduce tougher sentences for those found guilty of assaulting the police and emergency service personnel.

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