PMM Seminar Winchester

At Police Money Matters our aim is to enable Officers to effectively go from a full salary to a ‘half salary’ without changing their lifestyles from the point of retirement, up to state pension and beyond. To find out how we achieve this, kindly book your place on the South East Region 5 Police Money Matters (PMM) Retirement Seminar. To find out more, please click here.

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For the attention of all members of the Group Life Insurance Scheme

For the attention of all Police Officers who are members of the Group Life Insurance Scheme administered by Federation and are nearing completion of 30 years service and are within the last 3 months of that service before retirement.

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Force numbers down

Police officer numbers are falling at their fastest rate in seven years, new statistics reveal.

The latest figures published by the Home Office show a drop in numbers at a majority of forces across the country. Bedfordshire has the twelfth lowest decline.

Between September 2015 and September 2016, Bedfordshire officer numbers fell by 1.8 per cent - compared to a national average of 2.2 per cent.

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Force ‘good’ at keeping people safe and cutting crime

The Force is ‘good’ at legitimately keeping people safe and reducing crime, according to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC).

This is the second year running HMIC has carried out inspections of this kind at all forces across England and Wales, as part of its annual PEEL inspections. HMIC graded Derbyshire and Kent police forces as outstanding, 36 forces as good and five as requiring improvement. None were graded as inadequate.

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