Dear Colleagues,
You will no doubt now be aware that new insurances are being offered by Emerge People Ltd (Police Pension Challenge) through Towergate Insurance to police officers. The purpose of this document is to enable our members to make an informed choice.

Our insurance operate on a group basis to enable the risk to be spread and consequently provide affordable premiums. This is important as it appears to us that Emerge People Ltd are not operating on that basis.

Legal Cover

The legal cover provided by PFEW does not have a limit of £250,000 and covers subscribing members for:

  • Legal advice in pursuit of a civil claim for damages against a third person if you are injured - on or off duty - as a result of a third party’s negligence.
  • Legal assistance in Criminal Injury Compensation Claims and appeals.
  • Legal advice and assistance on any matter connected with your occupation, including race and sex discrimination claims.
  • Legal representation if you are accused, or charged with criminal or road traffic offences arising out of police duty.
  • Legal assistance to pursue a claim for defamation arising out of your duty as a police officer if the need arises.

PFEW also provides representation by highly trained, indemnified representatives in a wide range of areas such as:

  • Misconduct or unsatisfactory performance/attendance meetings and interviews where you are not entitled to be represented by a solicitor.
  • Assistance in police pension appeals, or other matters of general principle such as grievances, interpretation of policy and entitlements under Police Regulations.

Whilst representatives are often given facility time by their respective police force (with much of the work being done in their own time) the cost of the training is met by PFEW from members’ subscriptions.

Monthly subscriptions to PFEW are £21.58p - £17.26p with tax relief

Our current Group Life Insurance scheme costs £28.24. This figure increases if your partner is included. Below is an overview of our scheme.

Life Insurance

Currently, our group life insurance scheme pays £100,000 to a member’s named beneficiary. It is paid out in the event of a member’s death from any cause, at anytime, anywhere in the world.

20% of the £100,000 can be released beforehand if the member is terminally ill.

There is no medical questionnaire.

NB: If you leave this scheme – you cannot re-join it.

You cannot be a member of this scheme unless you are a subscribing member of PFEW.

Accident & Salary Enhancement

Our scheme also provides salary replacement should a member’s pay be reduced due to sickness. It pays 25% of weekly pay for six months if on half pay and 50% for six months if our member is on nil pay. We know this is a major benefit to members who are off sick and facing a pay cut. Who could afford to see their pay halved or reduced to nil?

There is also critical illness cover of £17500.

We pay for Hospital stays - £40 a night for 30 days if unplanned and £40 per night for seven days if planned.

Our accident insurance is 24 hour continuous worldwide cover.

There isn’t a medical questionnaire – no need to disclose pre-existing conditions.

Travel Insurance

Medical and additional expenses up to £5,000,000

Members have worldwide travel cover for them, their co-habiting partners, spouses/partners and dependent children, whilst in full time education who are normally resident with them.

Importantly, there is no need to disclose pre-existing medical conditions.

No extra charges there for spouses/partners.

Assault involving Firearm or Knife award

Motor Breakdown

Motor breakdown for the insured member and partner.

  • Roadside help
  • Nationwide recovery in UK
  • Home start in UK
  • European cover

Federation Legal Assistance Insurance

Provides legal assistance for matters occurring whilst off duty and outside the bounds of normal PFEW cover. It includes contract disputes, defending criminal prosecutions and motoring.

You cannot be a member of this scheme unless you are a subscribing member of PFEW.

This document is designed to give the highlights of the cover we provide, emphasising the significant differences between our scheme and those offered through Emerge People Ltd.

Full details of our schemes can be seen on our website

What else does our Group Insurance Scheme cover?

  • Emergency dependants care cost - If, due to unforeseen operational circumstances and with less than 5 days’ notice, your rostered tour of duty is changed and as a result you incur additional dependent care costs, you can make a claim for assistance with these costs.
  • Mobile phone and gadget cover
  • Unsociable hours lost - If you have been off sick for more than 14 days and if you were due to work any unsocial hours (between 20:00 to 06:00)
  • Unpaid Court Compensation award

What do you get from the Bedfordshire Police Federation Group Insurance scheme?

You get insurance schemes such as life insurance, accident and income replacement and travel that are not subject to disclosing medical conditions or completing a medical questionnaire.

You also get access to a network of highly trained and indemnified representatives to advise, guide and represent members on a whole host of issues that don’t attract legal representation.

Ultimately it is down to individual members to make their choice. The purpose of this document is to ensure your choice is an informed one.

Our Group Life Scheme is currently being retendered and will offer more benefits for a reduced cost. Details to follow. Thank you for your ongoing support and stay safe!

Jim Mallen – Chair
Emma Carter - Secretary

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