December's Police Magazine is now available to view online. 

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Police Magazine - December 2015

This months edition features:

  • A Christmas Miracle
    Chancellor George Osborne might have called off the prospect of further cuts to the police budgets over this Parliament but what does it really mean for a service severely struggling under the burden of the drop in funding since the start of the last Parliament?
  • Secrets and lies
    Polygraph tests have long been regarded in the UK with a measure of suspicion, but are now a mandatory part of the licence conditions for some high-risk sex offenders. Police forces in Hertfordshire and South Yorkshire are also piloting the use of polygraph testing to help risk assess those arrested on suspicion of downloading indecent images of children, yet there is still no robust system of evaluation in place to examine how police are and should be using it. Police magazine asked two experts in the field to take a look at the pros and cons of the technology, and give their opinions on whether this is something that should be adopted by the police service more widely.
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