Page 8 - Alive January 2016 Newsletter Flip Book
P. 8

In this new feature, we put five questions to an officer or a member of police staff.
To get the feature off the ground, we put the questions to Steve Andrews and Chris Smith who both represented Bedfordshire Police Federation at the national Roads Policing Conference.
Packed agenda for roads policing
By PC Steve Andrews, Federation representative
i attended the 2016 Police Federation Roads Policing Conference and exhibition at Hinckley in Leicestershire which ran for two days at the end of January.
The programme of presentations was pretty full and varied with speakers ranging from a welcome speech from Chief Constable Suzette Davenport to a ministerial address by Andrew Jones, the transport minister, and many in between.
By way of a quick run-down:
operation dragoon
This is a Northumbria Police initiative involving a dedicated team of a PS plus eight PCs (it started just with two) who receive complaints of nuisance or dangerous driving, identify drivers and vehicles, build up intelligence background using PNC checks, intel checks and #TE checks - which
often highlights numerous incidents where drivers have been stop-checked but allowed to go on their way with words of advice - and target the drivers pro-actively.
They contact insurance companies to establish if drivers have been truthful in gaining their insurance (eg informing of vehicle mods or previous convictions/bans) and arrest for fraud in certain cases.
Subsequent S18 searches have led to some great finds of stolen property and drugs. They highlight around two thirds of the people they deal with are known criminals/drug dealers and are getting some impressive prison sentences for these traffic matters when the offenders have proved difficult to catch committing their burglaries or other crimes.
Watch this space... This presentation went down very well and was the talk of the day. There was lots of talk about making Op Dragoon a nationwide model.
Mark Aldred QC
An ex-Met sergeant, Mark is now an experienced barrister who represents officers charged with driving matters. He gave a presentation about whether officers should be classed as witnesses or suspects. In a nutshell, we need to be very careful providing anything more than an “I was on duty when I was involved in a pursuit/ Polacc/incident” account immediately after an incident. He highlighted that we can take our own legs by providing detailed statements after incidents if the IPCC later gets involved. The advice has to be to seek Federation advice before completing detailed accounts or statements after such an incident.
Stinger tactics for motorcycles
There was a reminder that approval was given in October but as yet they have not been used.
Neil drane from the Motor insurers’ Bureau (MiB)
The service provided to MIB to the police is getting more efficient. The service is now
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