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Crime-fighting duo win national award
Photograph courtesy of Steward Ellett:
Paolo and Chris Conneely (inset).
A crime-fighting duo from Bedfordshire Police will be honoured at this year’s 20th National Service dog Bravery and Achievement Awards.
PC 750 Chris Conneely (45) and now retired police dog Paolo will be presented with their award at a ceremony at Ingatestone Hall, Ingatestone, Essex on 16 April.
They were put forward for the award after tackling a gunman who had threatened unarmed officers with a revolver, pulling the trigger several times before heading into an alleyway.
The offender had been challenged by armed officers from the ARvs and there was a stand-off at the entrance to the alleyway.
“Paolo was positioned to contain the offender from the other end of the alleyway at the point where the alleyway turned and the offender was unaware of our position,” said PC Conneely who joined the Force in January 1990.
“A position of cover was being maintained. Following the discharge of a round, which transpired to be a police baton round that struck the offender in the leg, the offender ran along the alleyway towards Paolo’s position.”
Paolo was released to detain the male. As he approached, the offender turned to his right, therefore having his left side to the dog. Paolo took hold of the offender’s left arm causing him to drop the firearm. He was
taken to the ground where officers restrained him.
Inspector 5858 Darran White explained: “This was a very serious incident involving firearms that was only brought to a safe conclusion thanks to the brave actions of PC Conneely and the use of the dog to chase and detain.”
In November, PC Conneely and Paolo received a Chief Constable’s Commendation for their actions. It stated:
“PC Conneely is commended for his role in Operation Wedmore – a pro-active manhunt of a wanted individual who was believed to be in possession of a loaded firearm.
“I hereby commend you for your professionalism, bravery and dedication in

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