Your Federation

Bedfordshire Police Federation is one of 43 forces that make up the National Police Federation of England and Wales which represents and provides assistance to every member of the Police service up to the rank of Chief Inspector.

The 43 Federations are grouped together in regions. Bedfordshire is part of region 5 that comprises Bedfordshire, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, Surrey , Sussex and Thames Valley. 

Each region has elected representatives who form part of the PFEW National Board. 

Our core purpose was amended in May 2014 for the first time since the Federation was set up in 1919, following a recommendation in our Independent Review for it to reflect our commitment to act in the public interest, with public accountability, alongside our accountability to our members.

In fulfilling our statutory responsibilities for the welfare and efficiency of our members we will, at all levels:

  • ensure that our members are fully informed and that there is the highest degree of transparency in decision-making and the use of resources.
  • maintain exemplary standards of conduct, integrity and professionalism.
  • act in the interests of our members and the public, seeking to build public confidence in the police service and accepting public accountability for our use of public money.
  • work together within the Federation and in partnership with others in the policing world to achieve our goals.