Video 'Interview' Gives Pensions Answers

The general secretary of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has been questioned about police pensions in a filmed interview posted on You Tube.

Andy Fittes is asked about the background to the new pension and the Federation’s decision not to make a legal challenge to its introduction in the 24-minute film.

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Increase in Complaints against Force

A total of 401 complaints were made against the Force during 2014/2015, 14 per cent more than in the previous year according to latest figures released by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

There was an overall increase in complaints about Forces across England and Wales of 2,232 to 37,093 (six per cent). Bedfordshire recorded the third highest number of complaints per 1,000 employees of all 43 forces with 439. Lincolnshire attracted 580, Avon and Somerset 458) and the average was 293.

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Bedfordshire Fatigue Programme

Bedfordshire Police Federation is offering all members a free, comprehensive and confidential fatigue assessment. Immediately on completion you will be able to download your own personalised report. We will provide you with information to help you make, often small, changes to improve your sleep and personal energy during the day. As a result you will be able to make a better contribution in your family life, work life and social life.

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Tribute to Merseyside Officer

Bedfordshire Police Federation chairman Jim Mallen has extended his sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of a Merseyside police officer killed in the early hours of this morning.

PC Dave Phillips (34) was hit by a car which mounted a central reservation in Wallasey just after 2am. He was trying to stop the vehicle which had been taken from a Birkenhead estate agents an hour earlier.

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