Labour Calls for Halt to Cuts

A petition calling on the Government to shelve plans for further cuts to policing has been launched by the Labour Party.

The petition is sponsored by former Met Commissioner Lord John Stevens with organisers hoping to attract 100,000 signatures, possibly triggering a debate in Parliament, before the Chancellor, George Osborne, delivers his Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) speech on 25 November.

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Funding Petition: Increased Funding for Bedfordshire Police

Bedfordshire is funded as a rural area yet its police face complex issues including threats to national security, the effects of serious and organised crime, and a high level of burglary/robbery. This needs to be reflected in the level of police resourcing to address years of underfunding.

'Sign and Share' the petition.

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Chiefs Reject Compulsory Severance, For Now

Chief constables have decided not to push for the introduction of compulsory severance for police officers.

However, national Police Federation chairman Steve White has given the news a cautious welcome and has warned the issue has not gone away for good.

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Compulsory Severance: 'No Evidence to Show it is Needed’

Compulsory severance is a 'blunt and divisive tool' and it is 'astounding and galling' that the National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) is again considering its introduction, according to the chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW).

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