Live Tweet Chat Q&A

There will be a live Tweet Chat Q&A with Steve on Tuesday at 5pm for 30mins. The subject voted for by our online audience was TASER roll out – it received 56% of votes over Police Degrees (23%) and PFEW reform (21%).

If you’re on Twitter please do follow the conversation at #AskPFEW.

'Road Map To Retirement' – Free Seminars

During the next few months, ‘Police Money Matters’ (Endorsed by Bedfordshire Police Federation) will be hosting Retirement Planning Seminars for all Bedfordshire Police Officers who are within 3 years of retirement.

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Understanding the proposed Annual Leave reform

As the police service continues to struggle to meet the heavy financial cuts implemented by the government, we are hearing of more reform about to come our way.

Most of you will have heard about the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) but how many of you know what they do?

Please follow the link below for more information:

Officer welfare – have your say

Officers are being asked to take part in a national welfare survey as the Police Federation seeks to measure the real cost of budget cuts.

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