South East Allowance Increase

Following the announcement by BCH HR on the intranet we have been contacted by a number of members over the issue of the increase in the SE Allowance.

The SE Allowance was introduced in 2001 to recognise the additional cost of living in the SE of England. Its purpose was to ease issues of recruitment and retention in those forces to which it applied. It has not been increased since then.

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Lump Sum Ruling Could Benefit Officers

Officers in the 1987 Police Pension Scheme (PPS) retiring with between 25 and 30 years’ service could soon be allowed to convert up to a quarter of their annual pension into a tax-free cash lump sum after successful lobbying from the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW).

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For the Attention of All Police Officers Who Pay into the Group Life Insurance Scheme

Just a reminder to all officers who pay into the Group Life Insurance Scheme to make sure you have registered your mobile phone/tablet and to also remember to do this again if you change or update your device at any point.

A copy of the Registration document is attached as both a PDF and Word document and is also available under the Insurance Section of the Services page.

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Police Tattoo Survey

Displaying tattoos whilst on duty is an emotive subject. You have been chosen at random to give your views to ensure a representative sample of officers.

We are interested in finding out what your force's policy on tattoos is, how many of you have tattoos, and whether they have caused any issues with your force, colleagues or the public? We are also interested in your feelings about tattoos and employment in general. Your responses will be used to pursue this issue with Chief Constables.

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