Page 15 - Bedfed Sept2016 Flipbook
P. 15

‘You are never alone’
‘Whatever the problem, you are never alone. We are here for you’ – that is the key message of the Welfare Support Programme (WSP), an initiative providing help and support for officers in crisis 24/7.
The programme is a joint initiative by the Police Firearms Officers’ Association (PFOA) and the Police Federation of England and Wales and is open to subscribing members of the Federation, PFOA members and their immediate families.
It is specifically for officers involved in incidents involving death or serious injury resulting in post-incident investigations and those suspended from duty or part of gross misconduct procedures but can also step in to support officers suffering Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other stress-related illnesses. It is open to any officer who it is felt is in need of the programme following consultation between the Federation and the PFOA.
“Make use of us,” says Stuart Haythorn, the programme’s welfare officer, “We want to make it easier for officers to get the support they need.”
There are currently 310 officers across England and Wales being supported by the programme.
“This programme is providing a real lifeline for police officers,” says Emma Carter, Bedfordshire Police Federation secretary and Force SPOC for the WSP, “Its fully trained team are only a phone call away 24/7 so support is always on hand.
“The fact that it is also open to an officer’s family is a real breakthrough too. They are the people living with the officer and they are going to be affected by their welfare and may need support themselves. It is not easy for anyone if an officer is facing a gross misconduct hearing or has been involved in an incident in which someone has died.
“The Welfare Support Programme is making a real difference to officers’ lives.”
The programme provides a 24/7 support line manned by trained professionals and a full-time welfare support officer, Stuart, who will work alongside Federation representatives.
The telephone staff have had training in police discipline and post incident procedures and are mental health first aid trained.
With an officer’s permission, they can evidence their needs and present them to the relevant force or the Federation so that they can promptly obtain the support recommended, such as NLP coaching, counselling or other therapies.
The programme has just come to the end of the first year of a two-year pilot and work is ongoing to form partnerships, and to develop the service through the feedback from officers and Federation contacts.
l Any officer wishing to be referred to the
WSP or needing more details please contact Emma.
Returning to work after having a baby?
All members returning to work after maternity leave are being urged to contact the Federation office so that their payroll deductions can be reinstated.
Failure to do so could mean that members are not covered by the benefits of Federation membership, Flint House rehabilitation centre and the Group Insurance Scheme which includes holiday insurance and a motor breakdown policy.
If you are aware of a colleague on maternity leave or returning to work, please could you pass on this message since we are aware they may not be accessing Bedfed or Bedfordshire Police Federation website while on leave.
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