Page 11 - Bedfed Sept2016 Flipbook
P. 11

23,000 officers assaulted in last year
There were an estimated 23,000 assaults on police officers and staff during 2015/2016, according to new figures released by the Home office.
And, for the first time, they include an extra column showing forces’ crime recorded data. This has been added as a direct result of a Hampshire Police Federation led campaign highlighting the fact that there was no consistency in the way in which forces recorded assaults on their officers and staff.
But only 15 forces – including Bedfordshire with 194 assaults on the crime system – have provided the crime data.
“Although voluntary this year, from April 2017 providing the data will be mandatory, again something we have been calling for since this project started. This is a great result and will compel forces to give the data required,” says John Apter, chairman of Hampshire Police Federation and the driving force behind the campaign on this issue.
l An estimated 23,000 assaults on officers across all forces (including the British Transport Police).
The new report summarises the two data sources for assaults
on police officers collected by the Home Office: self-reported assaults data held within human resource (HR) or health and safety systems and the police recorded crime data. Neither of these data sources currently provides a complete picture of assaults against police officers, but together they can help to indicate the scale of the issue.
Bedfordshire figures:
Self-reported Police recorded assaults crime – assault
without injury on a constable
Police recorded crime - total number of assaults
119 173 194
In 2015/16 there were:
l 7,903 assaults involving injury reported to force health and “
safety teams by officers, and 270 reported by PCSOs (excluding
the British Transport Police)
l 15,491 crimes of “assault without injury on a constable”
recorded across all forces (including the British Transport Police).
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